
Saturday 26 February 2011

Where did the week go!

This week went by in an absolute blur! Mainly because I was ill and also because of work. Been doing crazy hours but its all worth it in the end of course!

Lots of things have been going on in the background that I didn't even know about, plus you always know when somewhere becomes more like home because you stop appreciating beautiful things around you. I had some of the girls over and they were in LOVE with my apartment. Its not that I forgot how amazing it is its just its my home now! Then there are the beautiful things around me. I have my top buildings of course like the Hancock or the Tribune but it was only this week when walking along in my own little world that I really stopped to take in the sights around me. That was when I realised just how gorgeous the Bloomingdales building is (how sad am I...instead of having a top 5 guy list I have a top5 building list...and Bloomingdales has made the cut! The only comfort is, its not laminated!)

It used to be a Medinah Temple, and used to be hailed by some as a threatened treasure but now houses some of the hottest brands and products lol!

It was also Restaurant Week in Chicago this week...that's probably the one I'm most upset about missing!!
Its created by the Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau (CCTB) and is Chicago’s celebration as a world-class dining destination. The promotion runs for ten days with prix fixe lunch and/or dinner menus at more than 200 restaurants throughout the Chicago area . Going to see if I can get in sneak in a reservation tonight or tomorrow.

Last but not least....we have a new Mayor now in Chicago! Tuesday this week was the Mayoral elections and Rahm Emanuel was the victor! He has obviously taken this role on with clear intentions... for example Thursday night with courtside seats at the Bulls Heat game!!

 I'm back on form now for sure! Partying tonight and tomorrow girls night to take in all of the Red Carpet Oscar's dresses!! Woop! Love love love both Anne Hathaway and James Franco (who is hot!)

Saturday 19 February 2011

Road Trip

Had to visit Philadelphia this week for some consumer service training and it was great...must better than I expected! Plus, the weather was amazing. Was able to walk around without my coat.

Also, got to fly on the smallest plane I have ever been on I think it was an American Airlines ERJ-145. I had a seat all by myself next to the was great! The internal American flights also have the option of 'valet' so you can have your carry-on stowed underneath the plane but then given to you as you step off - rather than you having to check your luggage in.

I really wish I'd had longer in Phili but here are some lovely pics of my short time there:

Central Phili

Great Liberty Bell

Independence Hall

Where the Declaration of Independence was signed 

Me and good ol' George Washington

Signing my life away!

Outside of the centre we past some beautiful houses. Really reminded me of the UK in some places!

What better way to end my trip than to participate in some true Phili style culture... THE PHILI CHEESE STEAK! Even ordering it is an experience. If you get it wrong the first time you have to go to the back of the line! So remember its a 'Phili cheese, wid wiz, wid onions'!!

If its good enough for Rocky...its good enough for me!

Sunday 13 February 2011

A common language....I think not!

Its so of the things that made me feel sure my transition would be seamless from the UK to the U.S was the fact that we share a common wrong I was!
Carrie and I have started a 'Rachel Dictionary' as there are loads of things I have said and she is like...what?!

So far we have:

  • gutted
  • wicked
  • swimming costume
  • manky
  • take the piss
  • take the mickey!
Last night I met some of her friends from college days and it was so sweet, before they came over they had been Google-ing British customs and phrases. These are some of the things they found (that apparently we all use)

  • tickety boo
  • blimey
  • rat arsed 
One of them then attempted to pretend he was British for the rest of the night but got caught out on his first attempt when he sounded more like an Aussie! So he then spent the rest of the night as Brian the Aussie. It was hilarious!!

It works the other way around too. This week I got caught out when in a meeting to go through site copy I was asked to add a 'period'....WHAT!!!

Luckily through context I worked out it meant a full stop but that has started me on my mission to investigate just how many words differ between our two great nations!

Sunday 6 February 2011

Doritos Crash the Super Bowl XLV 2011 Commercial: The Best Part

Most DISTURBING Superbowl advert!!

Volkswagen Commercial: The Force

My favourite Superbowl Advert


So after all the anticipation the Superbowl took place today and the Green Bay Packers kicked the Pittsburgh Steelers arses!

Plus, I know understand the game a lot better...a miracle in itself!

The whole experience isn't just about the game either. The entertainment and the commercials are also part of the high anticipation!

Must say I wasn't too impressed with the entertainment if we are including Christina Aguilera's attempt at the national anthem and the Black Eyed Peas live singing BUT the special effects were incredible and "Glee" star Lea Michele was amazing.