
Saturday 19 February 2011

Road Trip

Had to visit Philadelphia this week for some consumer service training and it was great...must better than I expected! Plus, the weather was amazing. Was able to walk around without my coat.

Also, got to fly on the smallest plane I have ever been on I think it was an American Airlines ERJ-145. I had a seat all by myself next to the was great! The internal American flights also have the option of 'valet' so you can have your carry-on stowed underneath the plane but then given to you as you step off - rather than you having to check your luggage in.

I really wish I'd had longer in Phili but here are some lovely pics of my short time there:

Central Phili

Great Liberty Bell

Independence Hall

Where the Declaration of Independence was signed 

Me and good ol' George Washington

Signing my life away!

Outside of the centre we past some beautiful houses. Really reminded me of the UK in some places!

What better way to end my trip than to participate in some true Phili style culture... THE PHILI CHEESE STEAK! Even ordering it is an experience. If you get it wrong the first time you have to go to the back of the line! So remember its a 'Phili cheese, wid wiz, wid onions'!!

If its good enough for Rocky...its good enough for me!

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