
Sunday 10 July 2011

4th July and LA

Was very excited to spend my first 4th July in LA! I stayed with a friend on Rodondo Beach and it is such a beautiful place.

We spent the 4th July weekend mainly drinking. The Sunday we cycled down to Hermosa beach around 3pm, and ended up cycling home (way over the limit) at 2am in the morning. It was such a fun night as everyone was out celebrating. We went to a really fun bar/club called Sangria - would defo recommend.

The actual day of the 4th I spent the day down on Rodondo beach but was then lucky enough to mingle with the rich and famous in an amazing 10 bedroom house in Beverey Hills. A friend of a friend whose neighbour used to be Halle Berri!!

The lady has her own business making blingtastic Phone headsets.

It was really fun. We had a BBQ and then in the evening went up to the roof (via an lift!!!) to watch the fireworks!

Completely star struck!

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