
Sunday 31 October 2010

Family in town!

Last week my family came to see me and it was so lovely to have them here. I had saved up a lot of my Chicago sightseeing for when they arrived and in true account management form I had a schedule in all planned out! The sun shone the whole time they were here (apart from one miserable morning which cleared up within an hour!)

First thing we did was a boat cruise. Now if you are planning to do one of these I highly recommend the one that's run by The Chicago Architecture Foundation (CAF). The tour guides on the boat are volunteers and are so passionate and knowledgeable about the city its amazing. A lot of them have lived in Chicago their whole lives and what they know about the city and the architecture is incredible - especially with some of the names!!  A few of my favorites below...

Do you think Donald Trump is trying to compensate for something here?
The Trump Tower, designed by Adrian Smith

The Wrigley Building,  built to house the corporate headquarters of the Wrigley Company.
 designed by the architectural firm of Graham, Anderson, Probst & White using the shape of the Giralda tower of Seville's Cathedral combined with French Renaissance detail.

Marina City or as I like to call it the 'honeycomb' building!
These amazing 65 storey buildings function as car parks up to
 about the 19th floor then apartments from 19 up.
Designed by architect Bertrand Goldberg.

Big Willy!!
Previously the Sears Tower it was renamed to to Willis Tower and is 1451 ft tall.

For those that are brave enough to walk out on a ledge at 1451 ft high this is for you....the SkyDeck

Very brave Mum and Dad!!

Me and Mum. Very wind-swept!

Then it was on to Millennium Park....

The amazing Cloud Gate, a public sculpture by Indian-born British artist Anish Kapoor

Grant Park...

Buckingham Fountain

We also visited Lincoln Park Zoo, The Aquarium, The Field Museum, The John Hancock Tower and need I even mention...The Magnificent Mile (shopping galore!)

And what better way to end the trip than by indulging in some original deep-pan Chicago style pizza:

and after!

I was very very sad to say goodbye to them all L

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